The FPIES Foundation pages

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Allergy Friendly Halloween!

October brings Fall, Harvest Activities and Halloween!

We have compiled a list of  idea's some parents of children living with FPIES like to celebrate a safe and allergy friendly Halloween.

  • Pre-assembled treat bags! Make your own treat bags (safe candy or non-food treats) and pass out these pre-assembled treat bags to your neighbors ahead of time.   When your little trick-or-treater shows up, they'll get their special, safe, treat!

  • Non-food treats!   Go to Mommies of Miracles Trick or Treat page and help start a new trend in your neighborhood and encourage neighbors and friends to pass out non-food items (along with or instead of candy) to trick-or-treater's!  Mommies of Miracles has these great suggestions to make Halloween fun available to ALL kids: complete with a decal to print, a map to find participating neighborhoods and non-food treat idea's.

  • Stay home and participate! Dress up and hand out non-candy prizes!  If your little one is too little to trick-or-treat, staying home to greet trick-or-treaters can be a fun way to participate in the traditions!

  • Donate! Trick-or-treat and donate the candy to dentist to send to the troops, such as through Operation Buy Back.

  • Candy Trade! Explain beforehand to your trick-or-treater that they will have the chance to trade, or 'sell' their candy collected to you for a "prize" (something special they enjoy). 

This post was written by the Executive Board of The FPIES Foundation 

1 comment:

  1. I am a HUGE fan of non-food treats. We offer stickers, cute crayons and pencils. Haven't been "tricked" yet!
