Contains: FIVE ingredients:
millet, water, safflower oil, pure maple syrup, and mini-chocolate chips.
Does NOT contain: egg, baking soda, baking
Inspired by a recipe from a fellow FPIES mom (and her blog),
and her recipe for Merry Muffins, I learned to create several baked treats from
just this ONE recipe! I took the
ingredients and substituted my son’s safe ingredients and then used these to
make not only the muffins safe for my son,
but found that I could vary these
few ingredients and make other things such as pancakes, crackers, and cookies.
A valuable thing that
FPIES has taught me is how to be more creative (and brave!) with my
baking. One of these lessons is how to
take a recipe and scale it down to a small amount of ingredients so that when I
experimented, if it was a flop, I wasn’t losing as much of the high-cost/harder
to obtain “safe” foods.
During one of my experiments with varying ingredients, and
after we found a safe chocolate chip, I created a chocolate chip cookie that my
son loves, perhaps by sharing my recipe, it can help you come up with
something that can become a favorite for
you too!
There are a lot of amazing parents out there, cooking up some amazing creations in the kitchen for their little ones affected by FPIES! Are you one of them? We would love to feature you in our monthly segment, “Someone's in the Kitchen with FPIES!” Write an article, about 500 words or less, featuring a special tip, an allergy-friendly cookbook review, and/or an original recipe and submit it to us via Upon approval, recipes will be published on our website recipe section and your article will be featured here on The FPIES Foundation's blog. For more information and submission guidelines, contact today!
Written by Joy Meyer, Co-Director and mom to a child with FPIES, Post approved by the Medical Advisory and Executive Boards of The FPIES Foundation